• You are enrolled in a School within Canada or you are an accompanying Immediate Family Member that is also insured with the TrueNorth Student plan of a student residing in Canada
  • You are not traveling against the advice of a physician
  • You do not have a life expectancy of 6 months or less at time of the Departure Date
  • You are 65 years or younger at time of application
  • Must be able to perform the basic activities of daily living
  • Are not awaiting organ donation
  • Have not received an organ transplant
  • Have ever had any cancer with metastasis (which includes positive lymph nodes), or undergone chemotherapy (of any form, except cream) in the last 6 months
  • Have not been prescribed or used home oxygen in the last 24 months
  • Have not been diagnosed with or treated for Congestive Heart Failure
  • You are enrolled in a School outside Canada or you are an accompanying Immediate Family Member that is also insured with the TrueNorth Student plan of a student residing outside of Canada
  • You are not traveling against the advice of a physician
  • You do not have a life expectancy of 6 months or less at time of the Departure Date
  • You are 65 years or younger at time of application
  • You have valid government health in your home province
  • Must be able to perform the basic activities of daily living
  • Are not awaiting organ donation
  • Have not received an organ transplant
  • Have ever had any cancer with metastasis (which includes positive lymph nodes), or undergone chemotherapy (of any form, except cream) in the last 6 months
  • Have not been prescribed or used home oxygen in the last 24 months
  • Have not been diagnosed with or treated for Congestive Heart Failure

Yes No

Yes No